
Redis, Tarantool Benchmark 본문


Redis, Tarantool Benchmark

void 2018. 3. 16. 16:46

Benchmark Results

Benchmark Computer Specification


OS Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS

CPU AMD Ryzen 7 1700 (8 core, Hyper-Threading O)

RAM  16 GB , SSD 256.2 GB, SSD 931.5 GB


OS Centos 7.4.

CPU i3-8100 cpu @ 3.60GHz (4 core, Hyper-Threading x)

RAM  16 GB, SSD 256.2 GB, SSD 931.5 GB

NoSQL Version

Redis 3.9
Tarantool 1.9.0-47

YCSB Version


Benchmark Method

1. Run the benchmark using the YCSB tool.

1-1) I sent a query to Redis and Tarantool in the Workloadb scenario of YCSB. (readproprotion = 0.95, updateproportion = 0.05).

1-2) I tuned redis and tarantool.

1-3) I changed the variables of the tool. And I ran it 10 times in each case.

* yscb 단어 참고

readproportion : (데이터) 읽어야 할 연산의 비율 (기본값 : 0.95)

updateproportion : (데이터) 업데이트 작업의 비율 (기본값 : 0.05)

thread : 클라이언트수

recordcount : 처음에 데이터베이스에서 로드할 레코드 수 (기본값 : 0)

operationcount : 수행할 작업 수

출처 : ycsb git hub